33 cl läsk & kaffe ingår i alla mål
90g ostburgare med strips, läsk 33 cl
90gr cheeseburger, french fries and a can of soda 33 cl
90gr cheeseburger, french fries and a can of soda 33 cl
105 kr
3x90g ostburgare med strips, läsk 30 cl
3×90 gr cheeseburger, french fries and a can of soda
3×90 gr cheeseburger, french fries and a can of soda
135 kr
Hot n’ cheese
1x90g eller 2x90g ostburgare med rödlök, jalapenos, sallad och strips toppade med jalapenos & rödlök, kall cheddar dipp på sidan & 33cl läsk.
125/135 kr
90g hamburgare m. bröd
90 gr hamburger with bread
55 kr
2 x 90g hamburgare m bröd
Two 90 gr hamburgers with bread
75 kr
45g ostburgare m. bröd
45 gr cheeseburger with bread
40 kr
2x90g ostburgare m. bröd
2×90 gr cheeseburger with bread
85 kr
Ostburgare i salladsblad, 1x90g, 2x90g, 3x90g
Cheeseburger wrap in lettuce, 1x90gr, 2x90gr, 3x90gr
65 / 85 / 105 kr
Stripsmeny: Strips, dressing & 33 cl läsk
French fries, dressing and a can of soda
60 kr
2x90g ostburgare med strips, läsk 33 cl
2x90gr cheeseburger, french fries and a can of soda
2x90gr cheeseburger, french fries and a can of soda
120 kr
HillBillymål med pommes
1x90g el. 2x90g ostburgare, pickad rödlök, bacon, sourcreamdressing & sallad med strips & 33cl läsk
125/135 kr
Ost & skinktoast
Med strips & orientdressing.
Cheese- and ham toast with french fries and orientdressing and a can of soda.
Cheese- and ham toast with french fries and orientdressing and a can of soda.
99 kr
45 gr hamburgare m. bröd
45 gr hamburger with bread
30 kr
3 x 90g hamburgare m bröd
Three 90 gr hamburgers with bread
95 kr
90g ostburgare m. bröd
90 gr cheeseburger with bread
65 kr
3x90g ostburgare m bröd
Three 90 gr cheeseburgers with bread / LCHF
110 kr
Grillkorv m. strips & bostongurka
Two grilled sausages with french fries and cucumber relish
95 kr
Extra tillbehör: dressing eller ostdipp
Extra dressing or cheesedip
10 / 15 kr
Hamburgerbröd, sallad, dressing, lök, strips, 33 cl läsk
Bread, french fries and a can of soda
Bread, french fries and a can of soda
75 kr
Vegetarisk ostburgare
80g ostburgare, bröd
80 gr vegetarian burger, bread
80 gr vegetarian burger, bread
69 kr
Vegetariskt burgarmål
80g ostburgare, sallad, dressing, bröd,
strips & 33 cl läsk
strips & 33 cl läsk
80 gr vegetarian cheeseburger, bread,
french fries and a can of soda.
110 kr
För barn
Festis ingår i alla barnmål, 33 cl dryck. fås mot tillägg.
Festis is included in all children’s meals, 33 cl drink is served at an additional fee.
3 st. med sylt och grädde. Extra plätta 10:-/st
Pancakes with whipped cream and raspberry jam.
Additional pancake 10 kr / each
Pancakes with whipped cream and raspberry jam.
Additional pancake 10 kr / each
60 kr
1 grillkorv med pommes/mos
Sausage with french fries or mashed potato
Sausage with french fries or mashed potato
60 kr
45g ostburgare med sallad & dressing, strips, festis
45 gr cheeseburger with french fries and a Festis
45 gr cheeseburger with french fries and a Festis
60 kr
Köket erbjuder
Fish ´n chips
Krispigt friterad och panerad fisk med pommes & remouladsås ink. 33cl läsk
Fish and chips with french fries, remoulad sauce and a can of soda
Fish and chips with french fries, remoulad sauce and a can of soda
149 kr
Crispy chicken
Friterad kyckling med pommes, & vitlökssås ink. 33 cl läsk
Fried chicken with garlic sauce, french fries and a can of soda
Fried chicken with garlic sauce, french fries and a can of soda
125 kr
150g kebab serveras med strips & kebabsås
Plaice Kebab, Pefferoni, frensh fries, kebabsausce
Plaice Kebab, Pefferoni, frensh fries, kebabsausce